A Message from our Stewardship Chair
Stewardship in the Episcopal faith is as much about receiving as it is giving. It is through an understanding of stewardship and our practice of gratitude and generosity that we will grow spiritually. As we reflect on the blessings we receive from Jesus Christ, we focus on the question, “What is God calling me to give?” rather than “What does the church need to operate?” Thus, the annual stewardship emphasis becomes a spiritual-growth experience, not a fundraising effort.
At St. Andrew’s Church, we feel called to a ministry of transformation through stewardship. As we continue along our path of receiving God’s blessings and supporting our church’s ministries in the 21st century, we will continue to set a bigger table as we focus on our future. We will continue to explore the current issues in our lifetime that Jesus would want us to address, including diversity, equity and inclusion.
Thank you for supporting St. Andrew’s Church and all of its ministries.